The troopship Aparima

The Union Company’s Calcutta ‘slow boat’, the Aparima, with a full list of troops. New Zealand ships took new HMNZT numbers for every voyage. The Aparima was 19, 26, 32, 46, 61 and 76.

Community contributions

4 comments have been posted about The troopship Aparima

Heather Keith

Posted: 13 Aug 2015

I have "Dry Rations" Volume 1 No.1. This is a dry humoured newspaper from voyage 32, written by various passengers. I do not know who travelled on this ship. It was among boxes of family memorabilia. Is it of interest to the ATLibrary?


Posted: 25 Apr 2015

My great grandfather, private Jack Thompson, (19575) was part of HMNZT 76 , 14th reinforcements. Maori
Departed 16/2/17 arrived Devonport 2/5/17

Was hoping to get any info or photos related to him
Thanks in advance

Darryn Petricevich

Posted: 16 Nov 2014

Our Grandfather, Private KAIO, William (Richard) 19420 , Embarked on this Vessel (v76) bound for Plymouth, England February 16th 1917, He was a part of the 14th reinforcements Maori Contingent. i am trying to find more photographs of our Grandfather, but have not had too much success to date, he made it back, unfortunately he passed away in 1958 from TB.


Posted: 17 Sep 2013

My father sailed on this ship on 19th August 1916 to head to war.
It was a long trip he said and did not arrive till 24th October 1916. I can recall Dad saying it was the trip to hell as over crowded and the sanitation was not the best and neither was the food. I was only a nine year old when Dad told us this one day at the meal table and told us to eat what was put in front of us as we had nothing to complain about after what he had during the war.
Dad never spoke much about the war and my regret was being young never got to ask the questions that I would of liked to of known today.