1839, NZ Company ship Tory arrives
Home Images and media photos Governor Lord Plunket opening Parliament
Lord Plunket, the governor, arrives outside Parliament House to open Parliament, 27 June 1905. The guard of honour can be seen in the background.
Auckland Weekly News, 6 July 1905
'Governor Lord Plunket opening Parliament', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/the-governor-opening-parliament, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 15-Jul-2014
Full steam ahead for Kingston Flyer
End of the line for steam railways
Ex-Governor FitzRoy commits suicide
Lyttelton–Wellington ferry service ends
Electric trains come to Wellington
Queen Elizabeth II opens NZ Parliament
Parliament moves to Wellington
Women's vote petitions presented to Parliament
Main trunk express train disaster
Wakefield elected to Parliament
Carless days introduced
Joseph Ward proclaims Dominion status
First train runs length of main trunk line
Picton ferry Aramoana enters service
Auckland pedestrians begin 'Barnes Dance'
Wellington steam-tram service opened
First Cobb & Co. coach service runs to Otago goldfields
Grey leaves NZ after first term as governor
NZ Constitution Act comes into force
Parliament's first sitting in Auckland
NZ's last electric tram trip
Auckland harbour bridge opened
Legislative Council abolished
Tangiwai railway disaster
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