The trawler Tawera rescues the Astral in the 1951 centennial yacht race from Wellington to Lyttelton.
For their brave efforts rescuing the crew of the Astral, the Tawera's captain and its volunteer crew were honoured by the Royal Humane Society of New Zealand. The captain, George Edward Brasell, was awarded the society's gold medal. The other members of the crew, Arthur Henderson Childs, Raymond Ira Clark, Cecil Malvern Welsh, Charles Gerald Balfour and Patrick Reardon, were all awarded the bronze medal.
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John Childs collection
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'Tawera trawler rescues the yacht Astral', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/tawera-trawler-rescues-yacht-astral, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 28-Oct-2015
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