1908, First train runs length of main trunk line
Home Images and media photos Taranaki historic reserves
This shows historic pa sites in Taranaki that were recommended for reservation by the Scenery Preservation Commission in 1906.
Chris Edkins Department of Conservation
'Taranaki historic reserves', URL: https://nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/taranaki-historic-reserves, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 13-Mar-2014
Waitangi Tribunal rules on Motunui claim
Dog Tax War narrowly averted
Colonial troops invade the Urewera
Rewi's last stand?
Eight killed in attack on Boulcott Farm
British forces invade Waikato
Māori force defeated at Koheroa
Von Tempsky killed at Te Ngutu-o-te-manu
Pai Mārire ambush in Taranaki
Assault on Gate Pā
Pai Mārire defeated at Sentry Hill, Taranaki
Imperial forces invade south Taranaki
Killings at Pukearuhe
Release of Parihaka leaders Te Whiti and Tohu
Last imperial troops leave New Zealand
Te Kooti attacks Matawhero
Māori surrender at Rangiriri
First Taranaki War erupts at Waitara
The Wairau incident
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