St. Matthias memorial font, Panmure

Memorial Font Memorial Font Memorial Font

The First World War memorial at St Matthias Anglican Church, Panmure, is a baptismal font. Installation of the font was approved in December 1923. The following inscription is carved into one of the outer faces of the bowl: “To the glory / of God. / & in memory / of the men / from this parish / who fell in the / Great War / 1914-1919.”  The following names are listed on an adjacent face: H. Hamlin D.S.O., A.S. Thompson S.M., N. Bright, A. Gill, A. McC. Pennell, A. Peterson, and B.G. Arnaboldi.

After the Second World War a wooden font cover was added with a small silver plaque listing the names of three parishioners killed during that war: “In memory of / Selwyn Glanville / Henry Booth / James Fagan / 1939 – 1945”.

Sources: Church Gazette, vol. 54, no. 9, September 1924, p. 141; Saint Matthias, 1866-1991: A Celebration, Auckland, 1991 [p. 11].

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