The memorial tower at St Alban's Church, Dominion Road, Auckland. The tower was dedicated in October 1923 - see this related article from the Auckland Star, 15 October 1923.
This article from 26 August 1918 has more information about the font in the church, which was donated as a memorial to the sons of Mr. J.W. Bailey who had been killed in the First World War.
The church features the names of a number of servicemen who are listed on memorial plaques, pews, on the font and the altar:
First World War
- Allan Richard Bailey 1297
- Henry Irwin Bailey 10073
- Ernest Claude Cook 3/2615
- Henry George Clark 4/1905
- Edwin Mitchelson Clark 12/3920
- Herbert William Cox 2/2391
- William Emmins 21234
- Karl Jenkins 56303
- Herbert Samuel Mackay 12/2023
- Robert Alexander Reid 26914
- Cecil Francis Cantlay 23969
- James Charles Booth 46430
- Cecil Frank Booth 21485
Second World War
- William John Green NZ421702
- Allan Warden Pugh 28783
- Edward Henry Vazey A/1821
The foundation stone reads:
To the Greater Glory of God
Let the Living be Humble
This stone was laid by
Alfred Walter Bishop of Auckland
October 29 1922
Community contributions