This is the seal of the Ringatū Church founded by Te Kooti. It was devised by the secretary of the church, Robert Biddle, in 1926, and shows upraised hands (ringa tū). Around the centre is written, ‘Te Ture a te Atua me te Whakapono o Ihu’ (the law of God and the truth of Jesus). ‘Wharekauri 67’ refers to the beginning of the faith in the Chatham Islands (Wharekauri is the Māori name for the islands) in 1867. ‘Wainui 26’ refers to land at Te Wainui, Ōhiwa Harbour, gifted to Ringatū Church trustees in 1926. The eagle is a reference to Deuteronomy 32:11–12 in the Bible.
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