Pukekohe Technical High School opened in 1921. It was renamed Pukekohe High School in 1948. More than 300 former pupils served in the Second World War: 160 of them in the Army, 100 in the Air Force, 34 in the Navy, and 17 in the Women’s Auxiliary Services. The 34 men who died during the war are listed on a memorial tablet that was unveiled during the school’s silver jubilee celebrations in March 1946. Their photographs and personal details were also included in the school’s silver jubilee booklet.
After the Vietnam War, the tablet was updated to include the names of J. Gurnick and T.E. Cooper, both killed in action in 1970. In 2012, the name of R.L. Harris, killed in Afghanistan in August 2012, was also added.
Sources: Munro, W.F.J., Souvenir Booklet of the Silver Jubilee Celebrated by the Pukekohe Technical High School, Incorporating the Roll of Honour, Pukekohe, 1946, photos between pp. 26-7 (10p. insert), pp. 31-7; A.R. Dreaver, Souvenir Booklet of the Fortieth Jubilee of the Pukekohe High School, 1921-1961, Pukekohe, 1961, pp. 23-4; B.R. Hyland, Honour, Right, Duty: Pukekohe High School Golden Jubilee Booklet, 1921-1971, Pukekohe, 1971, pp. 25-7.
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