Port Chalmers, 1950s

Port Chalmers in the 1950s – a traditional port scene with ships lying alongside narrow finger wharves. The large vessel is the Port Auckland, constucted in 1949.

Compare this scene to the port in 2006

Community contributions

2 comments have been posted about Port Chalmers, 1950s

What do you know?

Tony Beard

Posted: 28 Jul 2014

I have the WW1 medals awarded to Alexander Shirlow, he was born in Ireland 16 Sept 1880, mother was Elizabeth and father (dead before 1916) was also Alexander.

I do nto think Alexander ever married, lived in George St Dunedin most of his life, died Jan 1952.

He fought in WW1 exclusively in the Middle East- was very sick April 1918 to the end of the war, dishcharged May 1919.

He was slightly deaf in both ears, had an old break to hsi leg which caused some difficulty for him.

Happy to help with this if I can..




Posted: 17 Mar 2014

I am seeking any info you may have on Alexander (Aleexander) Shirlow that was a labourer in Chalmers in the early 1900's