Pioneer Battalion flag

This First World War New Zealand Maori Pioneer Battalion flag is attributed to Captain Pirimi Tahiwi.

In the centre of the flag is a red crown pierced by a taiaha (spear) and tewhatewha (long-handled axe-shaped club). The wording around the crown reads: 'TE HOKO WHITU A TU N-Z-N-C', with New Zealand Maori Contingent and N.Z. Pioneers all in red.

The motto 'Te Hokowhitu a Tu' means 'the 70 twice-told warriors of the War God'.

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Posted: 18 May 2009

Thanks for this, Jock - we've updated the caption now. Kia ora Jamie Mackay Senior Web Editor

Jock Grant

Posted: 18 May 2009

The two weapons on the Flag (crest) of the WW1 Maori Battalion are a Taiaha (the pointed one ) and a Tewhatewha (looks a bit like an axe.) The terms spear and club are misnomers.