On 28 April 1956 the Otahuhu-Papatoetoe and District RSA formally opened its clubrooms and memorial hall in Queen Street, Otahuhu. During the ceremony a roll of honour listing the men of the district who had made the supreme sacrifice was unveiled.
The building was dedicated to the memory of those who had served in both world wars. However, the roll of honour listed only names from the Second World War.
These names were listed on the honours board in no discernible sequence and are here transcribed in alphabetical order: K.A. Aiken, C.E.J. Aitcheson, C.G. Atkins, W.G. Bain, R. Bennett, C.A. Bisman, M.B. Bluck, D.J. Box, J.G. Broad, J.F. Budd, C. Chamberlain, E.S. Clarke, L.C. Clews, S.A. Collins, E.J. Colwill, A.R. Cooper, L.D. Evans, G.H. Fenton, C.R. Flood, C. Ford, E.E.C. Gardiner, F. Glendinning, H.G. Grant, R. Fuggle, J.F. Funnell, J.W. George, R.J. Goff, R.W. Griffith, L.W. Hall, B.J. Harris, S.L. Harrison, E.H. Haythorne, B.P. Higginson, D.P. Hogan, S. Hubbard, E. James, G.H. Jensen, J. W. Johns, H.G.D. Keane, J.F. King, J.H. Kirkland, H. Latta, M.E. Lawes, W.R. McComb, K.M. McCulloch, J.K. McDell, J. H. Madigan, J.S. Martin, P. Marx, A.T. Merritt, R. Miles, J.A. Millar, R.R. Moore, D.L. Neal, C. North, J.V. Patrick, J.N. Peart, S.F. Piggin, F.W. Pol, F.C.M. Pope, M.T. Rosevear, W.S.V. Rush, W.S. Sharpe, R.A. Smith, L.B. Speedy, L.W. Streeter, P. Taylor, F.R. Traynor, J.G.G. Turner, F.R. Wagstaff, J.L. Wall, E.G. Warner, I.F. Waugh, E. Westcott, P.T. Wouldes, A.J.C. Wren, J.R. Wyllie.
They included names not only from Otahuhu but also from Mangere East, Penrose and Papatoetoe.
In December 1998, due to declining membership, the Otahuhu RSA sold its building and moved in with the local workingmen’s club. The roll of honour was accidentally destroyed when the RSA vacated the building. Fortunately, the Otahuhu Historical Society preserves a photograph of the roll of honour and a record of the names.
The former memorial building currently (2014) houses a bar and gaming lounge.
Sources: 'RSA Memorial Hall To Be Opened Saturday', South Auckland Courier, 24/4/1956, p. 10; 'RSA Memorial Hall Officially Opened', South Auckland Courier, 2/5/1956, p. 7; Otahuhu Historical Society.
Community contributions