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Opuatia roll of honour


Opuatia School was opened in 1917 and closed in 1973. The building is now used as a community centre. The Opuatia roll of honour, which hangs in the community centre was originally unveiled in the old Opuatia hall. It went into storage for some years after the hall was closed, but was placed in the community hall about ten years ago.

The roll of honour lists the names of three local men who served in the First World War, one of whom, A.H. Ramsey, was killed in action, and of nine local men who served in the Second World War.

See: Opuatia 50th School Jubilee, 1917 – 1967, Opuatia, 1967; Pukekawa School Centenary, 1895-1995, Pukekawa, 1995, pp. 79-81.


Bruce Ringer, Auckland Libraries, 2014

Find out more about the people listed on this memorial from the Auckland War Memorial Museum's Cenotaph database

How to cite this page

Opuatia roll of honour, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated
