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Robert McNab, historian and minister of lands in the Liberal government, was closely associated with the development of the Ship Cove monument in Queen Charlotte Sound. This is where Captain James Cook spent most time in New Zealand throughout his voyages.
An estimated crowd of 2000 attended the unveiling of monument was on 11 February 1913. It can still be seen on the Queen Charlotte Walkway. The reserve pre-dates the Scenery Preservation Act and was established in 1896. The area remains of continuing interest to historians and anthropologists.
Images of the monument today:
A plaque on the monument reads: 'To this Cove Captain Cook made five visits while navigating the globe. On this beach he erected tents for his invalided sailors and from this stream he watered his vessels'. Another lists his visits on the Endeavour: 1770 and the Resolution: 1773 (twice), 1774 and 1777.
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