On the landing craft on D-Day

On the landing craft on D-Day

Landing Craft Infantry move towards the beach on D-Day.

Royal New Zealand Naval Museum

Permission of the Royal New Zealand Museum must be obtained before any re-use of this image.

How to cite this page: 'On the landing craft on D-Day', URL: https://nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/on-the-landing-craft-d-day, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 16-Apr-2009

Community contributions

Robert McKennie
30 Oct 2010
Hi Danny, Thank you for replying regarding the photo of LCI(s) 521 and photos that you have of LCI(s) 505. My father passed away 2 years ago and I have been trying to get some information of his Landing Craft and Crew which he was extremely proud of the time he spent on board with them. My email address is [email protected] thank you making contact ,I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you again, Cheers Robert.
12 Sep 2010
Hello, This photo was taken from LCI(s) 521. The CO was Lt H. S. Woodnutt. The troops onboard are from No. 6 Commando. 503 also carried troops from No. 6 Commando. 200 and 201 Flotillas operated together for the landings on the 6th June and the flotillas were mixed. There are some photos of LCI(s) Fairmile ‘H’ in use as houseboats online at the British Military Powerboat Trust Forum. http://www.bmpt.co.uk/ I have a photo of LCI(s) 505 taken on the 5th June on the River Hamble. Not sure if you can contact me via this site but if not you can contact me via PM on the BMPT forum website. Regards Danny
Robert McKennie
23 Aug 2010
Hi, My Father Gordon McKennie was the Signalman on LCI(S) 505 his Commanding Offier was Lt Chris Berg. They were in Flotilla 200 and part of the first wave to land Commandos on Sword Beach Queen Red. The LCI (S) 503 was part of the same Flotilla. Is it possible to get a copy of this photo there is a very good chance it was taken from 505 and if there are any other photos of the LCI(S) available could you please let me know. Thank you, Cheers Robert McKennie.
15 Apr 2009
Hi Tony You best bet would be to contact the Royal NZ Navy Museum who own the original of this image. Hope this helps Jamie Mackay
Tony Abrahams
15 Apr 2009
I'm interested in a picture on your web site (How to cite this page: 'On the landing craft on D-Day', URL: https://nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/on-the-landing-craft-d-day, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 23-May-2007). It appears to show Landing Craft Infantry (Small) with a ship no. 503 visible at the back of the boat. If so, this might have been part of 201 Flotilla, of which my father-in-law was a coxswain of one of the craft. Can you give me any more details on precisely where this photograph was taken (e.g. ship no.) and by whom? Many thanks.

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