Army truck on Nissan Island

A 'puddle jumper' quad bogged in the lagoon on Nissan Island.

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8 comments have been posted about Army truck on Nissan Island

What do you know?

Joseph Skudder

Posted: 21 May 2015

The heavily reinforced 14th Brigade made an opposed landing on Nissan Island against light Japanese resistance on 15 February 1944.

The small Japanese garrison resisted the invasion strongly but was overwhelmed by the much larger New Zealand force, with organised resistance coming to an end on 23 February. New Zealand casualties were 10 killed and 21 wounded.


Posted: 16 Apr 2015

Nissan Island is my home
Richard Nixon served there during the war, he was the supply officer in charge of the Pacific campaign. Little is known about JFK there are no written accounts of him serving on the island however there is a possibility that he spent sometime there but we cannot confirm that as he was not popular back then

Pais Otima

Posted: 20 Jul 2014

Richard Nixon is one famously talked about former US President who served on Nissan definitely under the allied supply lines section most probably as the Officer-in Charge of that section in 1944 just after the allied landing in February.
There is no related written account of John F Kennedy's presence on the island during the war. However there was a high possibility as he was not popular back then.

Edward Misiliu

Posted: 22 Nov 2013

Nissan Island is my place and my old folks talk a lot about Richard Nixon. He was so good to my people back then. His memories will linger forever in Nissan Island.

David Bond

Posted: 02 Sep 2011

I was a teacher at Holy Cross soon after it opened. I had a student named Claudia Hannett. There was a PT boat base on Sirot but I do not think JFK served there. I heard from several local sources Richard Nixon was a supply clerk. The high school was originally to be named after him. The two years I spent on Nissan Island were absolutely wonderful and I miss it often.

Brendon Bure

Posted: 17 May 2011

John F Kenendy also served on the Island during WWII when he was young He was based at New Camp at Mapiri where the new Digicel towers will be erected shortly. The old people in this village still remember him and refer to him as a "young president".

Godfrey Hannett

Posted: 04 Jan 2009

I am from Nissan Island and my relatives we evacuated to the Solomon Islands during the war, most probably around 1943. My grand mother died there due to poor drinking water and disentry related diseases.

Arthur Hannett

Posted: 30 Mar 2010

Future president Richard Nixon served on our island. He was a clerk and was liked by the local people. Wrecks of the Allies recreation facilities still can be seen on the island.