This team photo is thought to have been taken before the Middlesex match in October 1888.
Back row: Thomas Eyton (co-promotor), R. Maynard, C. Goldsmith. Third row: J. Lawlor (coach), D. Stewart, W. Nehua, H.H. Lee, G.A. Williams, T. Rene, Wi Karauria, William Warbrick, E. Ihimaira, J.R. Scott (manager). Second row: R.G. Taiaroa, W. Elliott, T.R. Ellison, J.A. Warbrick (captain), E. McCausland, W. Anderson, P. Keogh. Front row: Arthur Warbrick, H.J. Wynard, D.R. Gage, F. Warbrick, C. Madigan, A. Webster.
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