'Maungaturoto memorial', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/maungaturoto-memorial, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012
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2 comments have been posted about Maungaturoto memorial
What do you know?
lou geraets
Posted: 30 May 2012
Hi Liz,
I am writing my granddad's story and came acroos your blog and the photo of the Maungaturoto pub being built in 1902. Could you advise if I can use this image or how I could get permission.Thanks very much
Lou Geraets
From the blog post I wrote about this monument (I took the photos displayed on this website for the Maungaturoto Monument) I've since found the date of the unveiling. Here is part of the blog post I wrote:
The Obelisk stands on a rise in the Congregational Church Cemetery on Gorge Road over looking Maungaturoto Township. Of the names listed on its sides, only four came home. The rest died at Gallipoli, Belgium and France. This monument was erected by the families of these fallen men in their memory prior to World War 2. ANZAC Day Commemorations are held at the RSA cemetery near the Maungaturoto Centennial hall.
After some research the date of unveiling was on Anzac Day (April) 1920. The Northern Advocate had reported the unveiling of the monument:
' A united Anzac memorial service was held at 10.30 a.m. on Anzac Day, in the old church grounds, in the bright sunshine. It was attended by a fine gathering of people from far and near, including the returned soldiers of the district who marched and formed a guard of honour at the foot of a memorial stone erected to the fallen men of the district which was unveiled by Sergt. B. C. Cox. Immediately after the unveiling Kipling's Recessional, "Lest We Forget, Lest We Forget," was sung. Impressive addresses were delivered by Revs Mr Pratt (Presbyterian), J. C. Hawkesworth (Anglican), and Mr H. Cullen (Congregational). Miss Stewart presided at the organ. The hymns comprised: "Oh God, Our Help," "Nearer My God to Thee, and "Peace, Perfect Peace." The Last Post was sounded by Bugler Hyland and the National Anthem concluded the service.'
Northern Advocate 29 April 1920
Lest we forget.
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