Manutahi war memorial

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Manutahi memorial swimming pool. Note that since this image was taken the plaques have been removed from the pool and re-attached to a purpose built memorial in the nearby Manutahi cemetery.

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2 comments have been posted about Manutahi war memorial

What do you know?

andrew taylor

Posted: 12 Apr 2010

the baths are no longer in use and the memorial plaques have now been moved to a new memorial at the cemetery


Posted: 19 Apr 2009

my father and grand father are both named on this memorial . my grand father is buried in belgium my father came back . I and my father were both educated at the school beside the baths .The baths were built by the local community for children to learn to swim before that we used to be taken on the back of a truck to the local river . It was a small school about 40 pupils sadely it is now closed