Sir Frederick Lang MP unveiled the Manukau Yacht & Motor Boat Club First World War roll of honour on 21 June 1919. This reportedly listed more than 40 members of the club who had served overseas, including four men who had been killed (the roll has evidently been retouched since as it now lists 39 names). After the Second World War, another roll of honour was unveiled, this one listing 86 names, including five men who had been killed. At the time the club was based on the Onehunga side of the Manukau Harbour, but in May 1979 it opened new clubrooms on Kiwi Esplanade at Mangere Bridge.
Sources: ‘Manukau Yacht and Motor Boat Club’, Auckland Star, 23/6/1919, p. 8; Ruth Ballard, Manukau Yacht & Motor Boat Club: One Hundred Years, 1891-1991, Auckland, 19991, pp. 2, 8-9, 44-5, 57.
Community contributions