Lyttelton cemetery soldiers' memorial

Lyttelton soldiers' war memorial Lyttelton soldiers' war memorial Lyttelton soldiers' war memorial Lyttelton soldiers' war memorial Lyttelton soldiers' war memorial Lyttelton soldiers' war memorial

The soldiers' memorial in Lyttelton cemetery shortly after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Although the memorial was shunted downhill a few centimetres it was still intact, as were most of the soldier graves. However, as these images show, much of the rest of the cemetery was severely damaged.

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Posted: 14 Oct 2014

Unfortunately subsequent earthquakes have damaged more memorials; the obelisk is now sitting precariously. I am disgusted that NZ does not honour it's vets with the dignity they deserve by allowing the sites to continue to be destroyed. Roll up your sleeves CCC and NZ Defence - together you can clean the graves and memorial up and honour those who have served!