Sailors loading stores on HMNZS Leander in the Mediterranean about 1941. Heat was always a problem in this part of the world. Off Aden before the war, Jack Harker wrote about keeping watch ‘in only underpants, of that, a towel draped across the knees with which we wiped away the continuous perspiration running down our arms and onto signal pads, turning them into useless pulp.'
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Alexander Turnbull Library
Reference: 1/4-019231-F
Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa must be obtained before any reuse of this image.
How to cite this page
'Loading stores on HMNZS Leander', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/loading-stores-hmnzs-leander, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 7-Mar-2013
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