On 24 July 2000 New Zealand soldier Private Leonard William Manning was shot dead by militia while serving with United Nations peacekeeping forces in East Timor. At the age of 24 years, he was New Zealand’s first combat fatality since the Vietnam War.
A memorial was erected to Private Manning in the Tilomar cemetery. However, his body was brought back to New Zealand, and on 29 July 2000 he was buried with full military honours in the Rangiriri lawn cemetery, near his childhood home in Waeranga. His plain granite headstone reads: “East Timor/ A997234 Pte / Leonard W. Manning / R.N.Z.I.R. / Died 24.7.2000 / Aged 24 years / Killed in action.”
The Rangiriri lawn cemetery is in Te Wheoro Road, not far from the Rangiriri Redoubt, the site of a pitched battle during the Waikato War. On the far side of the Waikato Expressway is the Rangiriri Hotel which houses a ‘Lenny Manning corner’. The cabinet displaying photographs, mementoes and memorabilia relating to Private Manning was originally set up by Neil and Beth Davidson in the bar of the Globetrotters’ Lodge, Darwin. In 2002 the Davidsons donated the collection to the Manning family. The NZ Defence Force undertook delivery to the Rangiriri Hotel. There is also a Manning memorial tablet in the Te Kauwhata RSA hall.
Private Manning was awarded the New Zealand Operational Service Medal (NZOSM) posthumously in 2003. The East Timor School Trust awards a Leonard Manning Memorial scholarship annually.
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