On leave in Japan

New Zealand Korean War gunner Bob Jagger (left) and mates enjoy a pint while on leave in Japan.

Commentary about this image by Bob Jagger

We were given leave to provide some relief from the conditions at the front. I had one three-week leave in Tokyo and two lots of five days, one in Inchon and one in Base Camp at Kure, a city in the prefecture of Hiroshima, Japan. Here we are on leave in Kure: New Zealanders wearing dress uniform and drinking beer. The men were mostly from all over New Zealand and belonged to several batteries of the 16th Field Regiment. The bloke in the centre could have been a digger (Aussie soldier), judging by his slouch hat. Buster Wallace from Kayforce is on the far right, wearing a beret and I am on the far left, wearing my customary grin.

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5 comments have been posted about On leave in Japan

What do you know?

Janie Mactier A...

Posted: 25 Aug 2014

That my dad M.S. Mactier, second on the left side. Could you tell me where to get a copy of your book. Thank you Janie Mactier Alexander

Sue Corkill

Posted: 06 Jun 2014

Hi Trudy
You will be able to purchase the book from us at [email protected]
Sue Corkill

Sue Corkill

Posted: 06 Jun 2014

If you are happy with the idea Joanna, I'll include your grandfather's name in the caption. Was he in the Australian forces?

Trudy Renner Fa...

Posted: 04 Jun 2014

Hi there, I would like to find out where to purchase the book that Sue Corkill published using Bob Jagger's photographs.

Joanna Anderson

Posted: 22 Feb 2014

My grandfather is the third from the left. Alan Anderson, unfortunately he is no longer with us. My dad txt me today (I am in Melbourne and he in NZ) to look at the website, it was such a lovely surprise to see this photo and to see him. Thank you for allowing this photo to become public.