Karaka war memorial hall, which includes roll of honour boards and a plaque commemorating the US Forces Second World War camp at Karaka North.
On 24 February 1955 Governor-General Sir Willoughby Norrie formally opened the Karaka War Memorial Hall. During the ceremony, he unveiled a granite plaque inset into an exterior wall inscribed with the names of the men of the district who had died in both world wars. The roll of honour inside the hall lists the names of all men who had served.
'Karaka Was Proud of its Hall on Thursday', Ribbon, 2/3/1955, p. 1; 'Karaka People Saw Climax of Years of Work at Opening of Hall', ibid., p. 4; 'Karaka Hall Celebrates 21st Anniversary', Franklin County News, 1/9/1976, pp. 14-17; '300 Attend Karaka Celebrations', Franklin County News, 8/9/1976, p. 1.
Community contributions