New Zealand soldiers in a front-line trench on the Somme, La Signy Farm, France, 6 April 1918. Sergeant Ormond Burton (Auckland Regiment's official historian who became a prominent Second World War conscientious objector) stands on a firing step in the trench wall.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Reference no: 1/2-013092-G
Photographer: Henry Armytage Sanders
Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa must be obtained before any reuse of this image.
How to cite this page
'In the trenches on the Western Front', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/in-the-trenches-western-front, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 14-Mar-2016
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