Glenorchy war memorial

Glenorchy war memorial Glenorchy war memorial Glenorchy war memorial Glenorchy war memorial

The original war memorial in Glenorchy commemorates those from the area who died in the First World War. An additional plaque commeorates thoses who died in the Second World War. There is an interpretation panel nearby that gives biographical information on each of the names inscribed on the war memorial.

SiteStyleOrnamentationUnveiling Date No of Dead
Beside roadSoldier at ease 28-Mar-192425

Community contributions

3 comments have been posted about Glenorchy war memorial

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Posted: 22 May 2012

At the bottom of the monument you will notice the 2 dates 1914 - 1920 apparently several of the soldiers from Glenorchy contracted the Spanish Influenza before returning & were detained. Some of them died and their names are among the 25 listed.


Posted: 15 Dec 2008

Thanks, Angela - yes please, we're always keen to get more memorial photos - both past and present. These can be emailed to [email protected] Regards Jamie Mackay


Posted: 15 Dec 2008

From the start, the Glenorchy community was divided over whether to build a community hall or a monument. Once agreed on a monument, a suggestion was made that the names of returned soldiers' should also be recorded. One returned soldier wrote: 'Our idea of a fallen soldiers' memorial is something especially for those brave boys who paid the extreme sacrifice. We all got our Welcome Homes.' The opening of the memorial was attended by the Governor-General, Lord Jellicoe. Have a photo of the opening, if that is of any use?