The Freyberg Cup

The Freyberg Cup – named after General Bernard Freyberg DSO VC – is a New Zealand Army rugby trophy that was first played for by units of the Second New Zealand Division during the Second World War. In 1998 the New Zealand Army reintroduced the Freyberg Cup as a challenge trophy.

The Freyberg Cup is currently held at the National Army Museum in Waiouru.

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3 comments have been posted about The Freyberg Cup

What do you know?

Peter Bowden

Posted: 30 Apr 2013

Further to my message below, it seems I missed the name of the medal I'm searching for .... I've been told it is the "Freyberg Medal" awarded to players of the winning rugby team.

Peter Bowden

Posted: 27 Feb 2011

Hi. I have my one of my grandfather's medals he won in the Divisional Cavalry team. His name was Ray Hampton. I am searching for another medal to pair it up with my other grandfather's (Thomas Peter Bowden) medal that has been misplaced over time. They both played in the same winning team, and then many years later they became 'related' through the marriage of my mother and father. Quite a rare story I believe and would love to get my hands on another medal.

walter dobbs

Posted: 04 Jul 2010

Does anyone have any information on named medals given to players on winning the Freyberg Cup in 1940? I have such a medal given to I.J. Crawford 19th Battalion. It is shield shaped in gold and silver and on the front says '19th Batt XV' and on the back named to 'Private I J Crawford'.