First live TV in NZ begins in Auckland

Shows a machine workshop where two men are working at lathes. One questions the other who has 'square eyes'. A calendar on the wall show the date 2 June (1960), the day after commercial television broadcasts began.

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What do you know?

Glenn Ford

Posted: 11 May 2014

I was a pupil at glen Avon school blockhouse bay Auckland a number of us were selected to sing at the 1st transmission at which I thought was bell studios I may be wrong it may have been latest transmission . A TV was set up at our school so our parents could watch the performance . I'm unsure what year but I guess around 1957 - 58, hopefully other pupils of Glen Avon who performed may remember the details .

Betty Brown

Posted: 22 Aug 2012

I was a pupil at Queen Victoria Maori Girls School in 1951 and have a photograph of a group of us who performed for tv trials in Auckland (at the 1YA studio if I recall rightly).