Bob Jagger standing outside a communications exhange post in Korea (click on thumbnail to see enlarged view).
Commentary about this image by Bob Jagger
When winter arrived we were lucky to have new gear brought in for us. Here I model my new padded army-issue nylon parka and trousers made of the same fabric. The whole outfit made you look bigger than you actually were but it kept you warm.
Behind me is the exchange that we had dug out, rather as we dug out our hutchies. The exchange was where all the communications took place between the gun crew and those further back behind the line in trenches at the observation posts, so positioned in order to see the enemy. We put signals in all around the camp in the vicinity of the exchange. The command post was also set up there. Its purpose was to map out the directions and range and to plot the targets for the gun crew to follow through on.
In the foreground is a urinal, in the form of an adapted shell case.
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