This map shows the location of New Zealand's major coal mine disasters where deaths were caused by methane gas explosions.
Another major disaster, where 11 were killed at Glen Afton mine, Huntly, on 24 September 1939, was caused by fire. More recently, four men were killed by fire caused by spontaneous combustion at the New Imperial (Boatmans No. 4) coal mine, Reefton, on 18 September 1985.
This image Appears In 2 Articles:
Information from the Report of the Royal Commission on the Pike River Coal Mine Tragedy Vol.2 (2010) pp258-261
How to cite this page
'Deaths from underground gas explosions in mines ', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/deaths-underground-gas-explosions-mines, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 18-Nov-2015
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