Clevedon Historical Society museum memorials

Memorial Memorial

The Second World War roll of honour from Clevedon School has been transferred to the Clevedon Historical Society’s museum in the McNicol Homestead (on the other side of the Wairoa River form the school). The framed scroll, which lists 96 names, was designed and printed by E.M. Malone of Remuera. The heraldic motifs on the four corners come from the royal standard; the crown at the top symbolizes the unity of the Empire; the leaves and berries on the borders symbolize peace; the inverted swords symbolize the end of hostilities; at the bottom is the New Zealand coat of arms along with manuka flowers. The school's South African War and First World War rolls of honour are held in the Clevedon Hall.

There were formerly several other schools in the Clevedon area. These included the Wairoa South (at Otau), Ness Valley and Mataitai schools, all of which have long since been closed. The Wairoa South School First World War roll of honour is also on display in the McNicol Homestead. The Clevedon School Second World War roll of honour includes names from both the Ness Valley and Mataitai Schools.

The McNicol Homestead also displays a ‘Clevedon District Schools Roll of Honour’, compiled by local historians Fraser Murray and Len Lane. This has a number of otherwise unrecorded names, including several names from Orere School and the names of local men and women who served in J-Force, Vietnam or East Timor.

Sources: 'Clevedon' [note], NZ Herald, 11/8/1915, p. 3; Wairoa South School: Golden Jubilee Souvenir Booklet, Papatoetoe, 1948, p. 8; C.C. Munro, Clevedon Centennial, 1852-1952, Clevedon, 1952, pp. 9-10, 35-9; Muriel K. Atchison, Clevedon District Schools Centenary, 1859-1959, Clevedon, 1960, [pp. 13, 23-5]; Our Clevedon Story: The Clevedon School 150th Anniversary Commemorative Book, Clevedon, 2009, pp. 54-6.

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