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Miss Ivy Gordon, who was a photographer in Cambridge from 1918 to 1920, took this photo of the peace celebrations held in Cambridge on 19 July 1919.
On Tuesday 22 July 1919 the Auckland Star reported the following about the Cambridge peace celebrations:
The celebrations began on Saturday, when the Mayor read the King's Proclamation and the band played the National Anthem, the Leamington school children sang the 'Marseillaise' and cheers were given for the British forces, the Allies, and war workers. A procession marched to the sports ground, where competitions took place. At noon a silent tribute was paid to the honoured dead. The residents entertained 250 returned men at luncheon in the Town Hall, the Mayor presiding, and in the evening there was a fireworks display. A motor-car and motor-cycle contest took place, while fancy dress and representative football matches were played, the proceedings being concluded with a patriotic concert in the Town Hall in the evening.
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