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Awakino war memorial


The Awakino First World War memorial, a sturdy concrete arch and wall erected  in front of the community hall, was unveiled on 23 January 1920. The hall has sometimes been described as a war memorial hall; in fact, it was built in 1912.

Marble tablets were set into both pillars of the memorial arch. One was inscribed: “For freedom’s cause. Dedicated by the people of Awakino to the memory of those 14 Awakino boys who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War, 1914-1918”. The other tablet listed the names of the 14 men. A district roll of honour was also unveiled on the day. This listed a total of 54 men who had served, including 14 who died and 18 who were wounded (no photograph available).

After the Second World War, a new dedication was added above the central arch: “FOR FREEDOM’S CAUSE / DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF THE MEN / OF THE TAINUI DISTRICT / WHO MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE / IN THE GREAT WARS.” The original dedicatory tablet was replaced by a tablet listing another 12 names.

The names on the memorial arch have been transcribed on Kete New Plymouth.

Sources: ‘Awakino’, Taranaki Herald, 12/1/1920, p. 5; ‘Soldiers’ Memorial: Unveiling Ceremony at Awakino’, Taranaki Herald, 24/1/1920, p. 7; ‘Honouring the Fallen: Unveiling Ceremony at Awakino’, Taranaki Daily News, 24/1/1920, p. 3.



Main image: Jock Phillips and Chris Maclean, c1986
Other images and text: Bruce Ringer, 2017

How to cite this page

Awakino war memorial, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated
