View Classic Wellington Cafes on Google maps
Map showing the location of some of Wellington's classic milk bars, coffee houses and cafés. Click on an icon to find out more.
Today Wellington has hundreds of cafés. The only present-day ones that are featured on this map are those that have been in business for at least 15 years.
Cafés listed on the map
Click on links below to find out more about these places.
- Oriental Bay tea kiosk
- The DIC tea rooms
- Tip Top milk bar
- Suzy's coffee lounge
- The Black and White milk bar
- The French Maid coffee house
- Monde Marie coffee house
- Carmen's International coffee lounge
- Harry Seresin's coffee gallery (Parsons)
- Milk Bar at the Opera House
- La Vie Nouvelle
- Hotel Cecil
- French Maid café
- De Luxe café, Willis St
- Midnight Espresso
- Deluxe Espresso bar
- The Lido
- Parade café
- Espressoholic
- The Ballroom café
- The Matterhorn
- Not located yet (on Courtney Place somewhere): The Golden Gate milk bar
Added to map following community recommendations:
- The Beachcomber
- Woodward Buttery café
- Chez Paree
If you would like to nominate others, please leave a community contribution below or email [email protected] . If you can provide location information we'll add them to the map. Note the milk bars and cafés don't have to still be standing, but those that are should have been around for 15 years or more.
Community contributions