Events In History
9 May 1945NZ celebrates Victory in Europe
Germany surrendered on 7 May, New Zealand time, but acting Prime Minister Walter Nash insisted that celebrations should wait until after British Prime Minister Winston Churchill officially announced peace − at 1 a.m. on 9 May, New Zealand time. Read more...
VE and VJ days
After over five years of rationing and anxiety about loved ones overseas, New Zealanders greeted the coming of peace in Europe in May 1945, and then victory over Japan in August, with understandable relief and enthusiasm.
Page 2 – VE Day
Germany surrendered in the early afternoon of 7 May 1945, New Zealand time. The news became known the next morning, with huge headlines in the morning papers. But the acting
Main image: VE Day celebrations at Parliament
Crowds gather in front of Parliament Buildings in Wellington to celebrate Victory in Europe.