The New Zealand Legion
The year 1933 witnessed an unprecedented eruption of protest amongst urban businessmen and professionals in New Zealand. The most prominent manifestation of this protest was a radical conservative movement named the New Zealand Legion.
Page 2 – Origins
The Wall Street Crash of October 1929 is generally recognised as the event that triggered the Great Depression. In New Zealand, the effects of the crash were not immediately
Page 3 – The desire to 'do something'
The New Zealand Legion was much more than a conservative protest against the coalition government. It was the focal point for a wide range of individuals, overwhelmingly from
Page 4 – Organisation and membership
For the first few months after its February 1933 formation, the New Zealand Legion’s efforts were devoted to organisation and recruitment.
Page 5 – Ideology
While the New Zealand Legion’s initial policy was deliberately vague, it contained several key elements that were central to the movement’s ideology throughout its life.
Page 6 – Internal conflicts
Because the New Zealand Legion was such a catch-all movement for various ideas and grievances, it was inevitable that its inherent contradictions would surface.
Page 7 – Decline
Internal divisions and resignations over policy had considerably sapped the New Zealand Legion’s strength by the beginning of 1934.
Page 8 – Further information
Links and further reading suggestions relating to the New Zealand Legion, 1933-35
Main image: Evan Parry
New Zealand Legion's economic policy leader Evan Parry, c1933