music festivals


Rock music festivals

  • Rock music festivals

    After a hesitant beginning in the early 1970s, rock festivals hit their stride with Nambassa, Sweetwaters and a string of smaller events in the early 1980s. Following a period of decline, festivals are today as popular as ever with Laneway, WOMAD and others catering to a wide range of musical taste.

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  • Page 2 – Beginnings

    The early rock music festivals held in Auckland and Ngaruawahia reflected the troubled emergence of teenagers as a distinctive group and economic force in the second half of

  • Page 3 – Nambassa

    No-one predicted the success of the 1979 Nambassa Festival which drew over 65,000 fans.

  • Page 4 – Sweetwaters and beyond

    Sweetwaters - Festival of Music, Culture and Technology. There was a lot to that new tagline. It had the future in it. A modernity echoed by the band line-up. Having come

  • Page 5 – The lights go down

    From the late 1980s into the 1990s small scale and sharply focused rock music festivals would be the norm, though there were some notable exceptions

  • Page 6 – Festivals galore

    As the new century dawned it was clear music festivals were now a viable and often long-running proposition. WOMAD, the Big Day Out and others continue to attract huge crowds

  • Page 7 – Rock music festivals 1970-2010

    List of the main rock music festivals held in New Zealand from 1970-2010

  • Page 8 – Further information

    Links and books relating to New Zealand's rock music festivals