

One hundred years of scenery preservation

  • One hundred years of scenery preservation

    Premier Richard Seddon outlined his vision for 'God's own country' in 1903 as he steered the Scenery Preservation Act through Parliament. This act was an important landmark in preserving New Zealand's natural and historic heritage.

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  • Page 2 – Scientific origins

    European settlers in New Zealand struggled to rework the indigenous landscape.

  • Page 3 – Beautiful New Zealand

    Even before systematic colonisation began in 1840, New Zealand had been promoted in British publications as a wild, scenic, romantic wonderland – and a place of extremes

  • Page 4 – Pressure groups

    Between the 1880s and the 1920s local scenery preservation societies and other pressure and interest groups became active.

  • Page 5 – The Scenery Preservation Act

    Politician Harry Ell was the strongest advocate of scenery preservation in the early 20th century. He raised the issue of legislative protection for the environment in

  • Page 7 – Maori and scenic reserves

    Initially Maori had mixed feelings about the Scenery Preservation Act. The Member of Parliament for Northern Maori, Hone Heke Ngapua, welcomed it as a way to protect totara and

  • Page 8 – New administration

    Officially, the Scenery Preservation Commission was disbanded because the government had found that some 'simpler machinery was necessary to more effectively carry out the

Parliament's culture and traditions

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