Personal details
Full Name:
- Walter Godfrey Bowen
- 13 Feb 1922–2 Jan 1994

Bowen helped establish sheep shearing as a legitimate sport and a form of entertainment. He was one of the inaugural inductees into the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame in 1990.
Read more...Events In History
6 January 1953Godfrey Bowen sets world sheep-shearing record
At Ōpiki, Manawatū, Godfrey Bowen set a new world record, shearing 456 full-wool ewes in nine hours. Bowen helped establish sheep shearing as a legitimate sport and was one of the first people inducted into the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame in 1990. Read more...
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Main image: Godfrey Bowen shearing
Godfrey Bowen shearing a sheep, probably during his tour of New Zealand to demonstrate the ‘Bowen technique’.