Events In History
1 June 1960NZ's first official TV broadcast
Broadcast from Shortland Street in central Auckland, New Zealand's first official television transmission began at 7.30 p.m. The first night's broadcast lasted just three hours and could only be seen in Auckland. Read more...
29 September 1862NZ's first professional opera performance
Dunedin's Royal Princess Theatre was the venue for a performance of Donizetti's Daughter of the regiment by the visiting English Opera Troupe, supplemented by local performers. Read more...
1 March 1862Charles Thatcher gives first NZ performance
British-born tenor, Charles Thatcher, gives his first New Zealand performance at Shadrach Jones' Commercial Hotel in Dunedin. Read more...
Cheesman, Oswald Astley
Oswald Cheesman was a pioneer of music radio broadcasting who directed the Kiwi Concert Party in the Second World War before helping to establish New Zealand's first national orchestra.
Main image: Oswald Cheesman
Oswald Cheesman and the Kiwi Concert Party