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Events In History


US Forces in New Zealand

  • US Forces in New Zealand

    Seventy years ago, in June 1942, the first American soldiers landed on New Zealand soil, to begin an 'invasion' which would have a profound impact on both visitors and hosts over the next 18 months.

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  • Page 4 - The campsAmerican life in New Zealand between 1942 and 1944 was centred on the camps. Most of these were to be found within marching distance or a short train journey from Wellington or

Royal Visit of 1953-54

  • Royal Visit of 1953-54

    For those New Zealanders old enough to have experienced it, the visit of the young Queen and her dashing husband, Prince Philip, to New Zealand in the summer of 1953-54 is a never-to-be forgotten event.

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  • Page 7 - Great place to bring up childrenOn the day of the reception for children at Athletic Park, the Evening Post wrote: 'As the mother of two young children 12,000 miles away, the Queen today assumed the role of