After playing nine matches
in New Zealand and two in Melbourne in the southern winter of 1888 (with
only two losses), the Natives set off for Britain by steamer. Their efforts
to retain their fitness during the six-week voyage by shovelling coal
and exercising on deck were thwarted by the complaints of other passengers,
but they did take part in the first recorded rugby match in Egypt en route.
After disembarking at Tilbury
on 27 September they prepared themselves as best they could for an expected
50 or 60 matches over the northern winter. The 'noble Maori' had arrived
'to play an English game against English players'.
Six days later, wearing black
uniforms and after performing a haka, a team which had 'caused much curiosity'
efficiently defeated a scratch Surrey fifteen 4�1. But these 'aboriginals'
were not as black as they had been painted by their promoter; even the
full-blooded Maori members of the team could 'only be said to be badly
The Natives were still seen
as Maori, but they played a British game in a 'fair orthodox' style. The
savage 'New Zealander' surveying the ruins of London in Thomas Macaulay's
famous essay had instead turned out to be a dutiful imperial citizen who
attracted little or no attention off the field � except for one occasion
when several of the team donned black masks at a railway station as a

Surrey team cheering the "Maories" on their appearance'.
Illustrated London News

War Cry before starting play'.
Illustrated London News