Where did they go to?

graph - see data table below for figures

Map  of New Zealand showing provincial boundaries in 1871
People born in the United Kingdom living in New Zealand Provinces, 1871 (%) *
English Scottish Irish
Auckland 54.9 17 27.2
Taranaki 69.6 9.5 20.5
Hawke's Bay 55.2 20.9 23.2
Wellington 63.5 20 15.4
Nelson 56.4 15.9 25.9
Marlborough 62.1 20.4 16.4
Canterbury 62.7 16.9 19.4
Westland 40.1 19.9 37.9
Otago 31 51.5 16.9
Southland 24.4 61.4 13.9
New Zealand 49.7 27.3 22

*The Welsh have not been included in these figures as they made up less than 2% of the population of any province

The table and graph suggest: