Pages tagged with: waitangi day

The Treaty of Waitangi, one of New Zealand's founding documents, was signed here on 6 February 1840 by Māori chiefs and representatives of the British Crown.
Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, the Duke of Edinburgh, and Prime Minister Norman Kirk at Waitangi on 6 February 1974
New Zealand flags at the Treaty Grounds in 2006
Royal New Zealand Navy ships and vessels from England and Australia carry out exercises at the Bay of Islands and take part in ceremonies commemorating the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi
Waitangi Day in the 21st century has been linked more closely with New Zealand identity, and events have expanded beyond Waitangi itself. Protests have continued, and representatives of the Crown have not always been present at Waitangi.
This page gives a broad outline of how teachers and students of social studies and history can use material on the Treaty of Waitangi. There are many resources available to help teachers prepare for themes about the Treaty. The material given here is authoritative and accessible. It is written and organised to help users quickly find the information that is most relevant to their needs. This is not an exhaustive list of teaching activities but some ideas to help busy teachers get started. We welcome feedback.
Links and further reading about Waitangi Day
Protest poster handed out at Waitangi, 6 February 1983.
Prime Minister Helen Clark with her escort, Titewhai Harawira, at Te Tii marae, Waitangi, 6 February 2002.
The Treaty of Waitangi is New Zealand’s founding document. It takes its name from the place in the Bay of Islands where it was first signed, on 6 February 1840. The Treaty is an agreement, in Māori and English, that was made between the British Crown and about 540 Māori rangatira (chiefs).
Discover some of the key events between 1900 and 1949 relating to the Treaty of Waitangi.
Apirana Ngata leading a haka at the 1940 centennial celebrations at Waitangi
The flagpole at Waitangi. For years the New Zealand navy ensured that it was kept in good condition. From 1974, three flags have usually been flown on it - the New Zealand flag, the Union flag, and the flag of the United Tribes of New Zealand chosen in 1834.
This monument bears the full Maori text of the Treaty of Waitangi and has stood at Te Tii marae since the 1880s.
In the 1990s Waitangi Day events became a focus for protests about sovereignty.
Governor-General Lord Bledisloe gifted the Treaty House and grounds at Waitangi to the nation in 1932. Two years later there were celebrations at Waitangi to mark the date of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
The Ngāpuhi waka taua (war canoe) Ngatokimatawhaorua, built for the 1940 centenary of the Treaty signing, was the largest of five waka in the Bay of Islands waters for Waitangi Day 2002.
Every year on 6 February, New Zealand marks the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. For most people, Waitangi Day is a holiday; for many, and especially for Māori, it is a time for reflecting on the Treaty and its place in modern New Zealand.
Ngapuhi women perform a poi dance of welcome for other tribal representatives at Te Tii, Waitangi in 1934.
Te Tii marae at Waitangi in 1934, when the great hui was held to celebrate the gift of the property where the treaty was signed.
