This Merchant Navy (MN) identification badge was issued to seamen on British ships in January 1940 and to those on New Zealand ships from July 1941.
The Merchant Navy name had been adopted in Britain in 1922, as part of King George V's formal acknowledgement of merchant seafarers' service and sacrifice during the First World War. That conflict cost the British Empire's merchant marine – as it was then better known – 2500 ships and 15,000 seafarers.
During the First World War, merchant seafarers were not issued with any sort of identification badge, and as they did not wear uniforms many were made to feel uncomfortable ashore. The issue of MN badges during the Second World War was designed to indicate that the wearer was taking an active part in the war effort.
Phillip O'Shea collection
Thank you Kate for your information I just need to correct one thing my Father was not on the TEV Wahine as she was built in Govan Scotland in 1966 TEV stands for Turbo Electric Steam. He was on the T.S.S Wahine which was 4,436 tons she had water tube boilers and steam turbines which required her to carry 362 tons of coal and yes she would have been lovely and hot down in that engine room. I also found the information of where she went, but would still like to find out what time he spent on her, as I live in Australia it is not easy to get into NZ records. Thanks again.
The Wahine (1913-51) does not appear to have served outside the Pacific during WW2. However, many other merchant ships, including troopships, regularly visited Bombay and Colombo (Sri Lanka) en route to and from the Middle East/Suez Canal. So it is possible Mary's father visited India on another merchant ship. It was common for merchant seamen to serve on different ships.
You may like to enter Wahine 1913- The New Zealand Maritime Record - NZNMM - into your search engine. This gives all shipping movements of the Wahine in 1943. I have no knowledge of your father serving anywhere other than the South Pacific and believe he may have been land based during 1944. I have never heard of any reference to India and have no knowledge of whether NZ troops went to India. North Africa, yes, but India??
There are many people I know who could answer your questions, but sadly they are deceased. Regards Kate
Are you able to give me any information as to what ships my Father served on for some reason as a child I always thought that he went up into India other than that all I know was he was a Marine Engineer on troop carriers.
Mary Wright
Your father served on the TEV Wahine during WW11. In a letter to me dated 10th May 1983 from Port Moresby he says "....I was 8th engineer on the old Wahne in 1943. It had boilers and steam turbines though and not as noisy as motors, but much hotter to work in. She was carrying troops to Korea (1951)and was wrecked of an island north of Australia...."
You will find more information if you search Wahine Wanderings - 'Merchant Marine NZHistory' on line. This will be a good start for your research. You should be able to find crew lists and shipping movements as well. The Wahine your father served on was a minesweeper in WW1, then returned as a interisland ferry before going back in to service as a troop ship for WW11. This vessel is not to be confused with the Wahine that sunk in Wellington harbour in 1968??or thereabouts.
All the best for your research.
Your father was also a member of the NZ RSA,where you should be able to find more information.
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