High Street School war memorial

Detail from the memorial Detail from the memorial Detail from the memorial Detail from the memorial

High Street School war memorial.

The memorial gateway is made of Oamaru stone and forms part of an extensive and well made wrought iron fence around the perimeter of the school grounds. It has two leaded marble panels recording the names 56 ex-pupils who were killed during the First World War and a leaded marble panel (added later) recording the sacrifice of ex-pupils who lost their lives in the Second World War. The main inscription on the pediment is 'THE EMPIRES CALL 1914-1918'.

The total of 56 names seems high for a small suburban school, but it may reflect the fact that High Street was a thoroughfare through an inner city suburb in 1914.

Images and information: Bruce Comfort, 2010

Find out more about the people listed on this memorial from Auckland Museum's Cenotaph database


The High Street School war memorial at Mornington in c1986.

Jock Phillips and Chris Maclean, c1986

Site Style Ornamentation Unveiling Date No of Dead
School grounds Arch   11-Dec-1921 84
How to cite this page: 'High Street School war memorial', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/high-street-school-war-memorial, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012

Community contributions

Morag Thatcher (nee Duncan
11 Feb 2013

Love this photo. Please do you have a photo you could send me of High Street School early 1950's. I'm retracing my childhood memories, but when I returned in 2012 the school was a different building and sadly it had closed down.I would be so grateful and am happy to pay.

What do you know?