This memorial was originally erected in 1915 by the Auckland Harbour Board to remember staff who served in the First World War. After years in storage, in 2000 it was restored and re-erected. It is possibly New Zealand's earliest First World War memorial.
The Evening Post 17 Sept 1915, p6 reported that:
A memorial is to be erected to those members of the Auckland Harbour Board staff who have enlisted. In a letter to the board, the chairman (Mr H. D. Heather) stated that the board in committee had approved of the erection of an obelisk at the new launch landings, which would be used as a daylight beacon and a guiding light at night. The previous decision that a roll of honour should be placed in the public room was rescinded.
While NOT referring to WWI, I was with the AHB/POL from around 1974/5-1991.
I am originally from New Jersey in The States and a veteran of the USAF & USCG, thus was a member of the VFW/USVNZ organization.
At one time, at the passenger terminal which was on Princess Wharf, there was a plaque put up commemorating the landing of US troops sent to NZ in June 1942. I believe put up by said US veterans who had been here in WWII, possibly in the 1960s. It was still there when the 50th Anniversary of said landings was held in Jun 1992-OPERATION US DOWN UNDER.
Plaque seems to have been removed when renovations took place, and then disappeared. As a US military veteran, would love to know what ever happened to it please. Many thanks.
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