Brooklyn war memorial.
Inscriptions on the Brooklyn war memorial.
Jamie Mackay, 2007
Site | Style | Ornamentation | Unveiling Date | No of Dead |
Hill | Soldier at ease | Wreath | 22-Sep-1923 | 48 |
Jock Phillips and Chris Maclean c1986
Hi was wondering if anyone had any information with regards to the plague at the foot of the Western face of the memorial (facing towards Mitchell St). The somewhat crudely mortared plague reads: "To Commemorate the fallen in all wars. Lest we forget." It has clearly been subsequently added to the memorial (my guess would be shortly after the Second World War, possibly much more recently) for it is made of a different or newer material and is clearly incongruous with the other plaques on the other faces. Any thoughts?
My interpretation of dates for opening/unveiling is that Colonel Mitchell laid a stone on ANZAC Day 1922 when construction began, or was underway, and that there was an official opening on Saturday 22 September 1923, by which time construction would have been completed. There is a full report in the Evening Post of 24 September 1923 (Monday) which can be read on Papers Past
Hi I was just wondering how this memorial was funded and how they decided on the monument and the site? Also are all the names just residents from Brooklyn? Thanks
Stanley Gordon Knight of 28 Taft Street Brooklyn lived to a great age, well into his nineties and lived at home till very close to the end with his wife Rachel. Two Daughters Edna and Tui. Stan looked after the community centre for many years, had a batch around the coast and loved fishing. His recollection of the war included hardship in the trenches and English officers not knowing a thing about what to do. Some were "dispatched" in the course of battle to save lives. Stan also spoke of the hospitality of the French to the young NZers.
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