Using the cartoon, 'Aren't you pinning this on the wrong bloke?', and the feature the 1981 Springbok tour, complete the following activities.
- What decision is being referred to in this cartoon? Give evidence to support your answer.
- Who is the person pinning on the death certificate in this cartoon?
- What is happening to the character lying on the ground?
- In what year was this cartoon most likely to have been drawn? Give evidence to support your answer.
- Why is the Gleneagles Agreement shown as having died?
- How did the decision to continue with the 1981 tour harm New Zealand's relations with some other countries?
- Does this cartoon accurately portray public opinion in New Zealand at the time this decision was taken? Give evidence to support your answer.
- What were some of the consequences for New Zealand as a result of the decision to proceed with the 1981 tour?
- How did the government enforce this decision?
- How would you describe the cartoonist's attitude to the decision taken by the government?