Shaping of identity over time - New Zealand forces in Asia 1948-72 - NCEA Level 1 history

Use the feature New Zealand forces in Asia 1948–72 and your own knowledge and ideas to help you complete the following activity. See also the tips on good paragraph writing in the Teacher's Toolbox.

Through the 1950s and 1960s New Zealand developed its identity as a nation supporting the Cold War struggle against communism. For example, the Holland National government committed troops to Korea in 1950.

Write three paragraphs of between 100 and 150 words each, describing:

  • the ways in which New Zealand became more concerned with Asian affairs in the period 1948–72
  • the actions taken by New Zealand governments (1950–65) that showed support for the United States' policy of containing the spread of communism
  • in detail, ONE way that New Zealand's concerns with Asian affairs in the period 1948–72 had affected New Zealand's relations with traditional allies by 1965.

How to cite this page: 'Shaping of identity over time - New Zealand forces in Asia 1948-72 - NCEA Level 1 history ', URL:, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 24-Jul-2007